Monday, September 10, 2012

Literal vs. Symbolic Thinking

Literal vs. Symbolic Thinking
Literal thinking is taking something at face value, and that's all there is. There is no deeper meaning. Usually, it describes the physical attributes of an object.
For instance, a dove is a white bird with two wings, hallow bones, and a beak. In addition, it flys smoothly across the sky. This is describing the dove at a literal level of thinking.
Symbolic thinking is looking at the deeper meaning and understaning the various concepts that object can represent. It has many layers that can be continusously discovered and analyzed.
Describing a dove at a symbolic level of thinking adds several dimensions of various concepts. A Dove is the symbol of peace, hope, and love. It also represents purity because it is completely white in color without any blemishes.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Journey


The Journey
The Journey to find God may be never-ending at times when we are caught in troubles.
 However, we should never give up but always look for the shining light through the window.
God's presence will overcome us when we open our hearts and mind to God, and let his peace flow through the window.